Monday, February 27, 2017

Jerry Jones

                When I was in high school, I worked with my best friend, Dawn, at our hometown’s movie theatre, The Roseland. With only one screen, showing one movie a weekend on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, it was a small operation. Dawn and I ran the concessions stand, opening at 7 p.m. and closing by 9 p.m. Our years there together were filled with constantly smelling of popcorn, sneaking candy bars, slipping in soda, freezing in the winter, melting in the summer, ice fights (filling popcorn tubs with ice and throwing it at each other with brutal force), sifting through movie posters going back for decades, and spying on people from the closed balcony. We had the best gossip in town. The Roseland was the only movie theatre for miles around, so people of all ages piled in any time we were showing a decent flick and, filled with excitement, they would buzz all around the theatre talking a little too freely. Dawn and I soaked up all the information we could and giggled about it from our private balcony seats, the top of our world.
                One fateful night, our mutual friend Anne came in with a group of friends. Anne was a couple years younger than Dawn and I and was somewhat synonymous with “drama”. I privately dreaded nights that Anne showed up, because she was notorious for bombarding us with prying questions and worrying us by leaving the theatre with various undesirable suitors. About half an hour into the film that evening I went to check that no cell phones were out and Anne followed me back to the lobby. “Hey, Sarah,” she began, “I don’t want to have any problems, but a girl from my group went into the ladies' restroom with Jerry Jones to have sex. Please don’t tell anyone I was the one who told you.” I assured Anne we would take care of it with discretion and practically skipped off to tell Dawn of this latest scandal. We didn’t really feel that the two of us would have the authority to shake the confidence of someone cocky enough to get frisky in a two stall bathroom who was only a few years our junior anyway, and decided to alert our superiors.
                Upon entering the office, we found only Linda, a sour woman in her late 60’s who ran the ticket booth most nights, and the owner’s wife, Mrs. Chandler, who was roughly the same age as Linda and was occasionally known to be a bit out of her mind so I’d heard. Seemingly unfazed by this scandalous development, the two women asked us to go confirm the story. Our teenage body’s alive with the spark of a juicy story, we devotedly carried out the task. We stood silently in the corner of the bathroom as a woman washed her hands and left the restroom, giving us a look that said, “what the fuck?” as she walked out the door. A few moments of silence passed before we heard a deep voice saying, “Hey, hey, hey! So I think we’re alone now!” Silently, Dawn and I looked at each other, mouths agape in wide unbelieving grins. Scarcely able to contain our fits of giggles, we shuffled out of the restroom. As the door swung shut behind me, I heard the same voice say, “What was that?”
                We reported to Mrs. Chandler and Linda, breathless from laughter and unable to hide our wicked grins. Mrs. Chandler sighed as if to say, “I’m too old for this shit,” and marched off to the women’s room, phone in hand with Linda, Dawn, and me in tow. She busted through the door like a gangster, barking at a few young gossiping girls to get out as Dawn and I huddled in the corner holding each other up as we shook with laughter. Rapping on the door, Mrs. Chandler called out, “Jerry Jones? We’ve got your parents on the phone. They want to speak to you.”
                “Shit,” we heard come hissing out from behind the stall door sending us into fresh peels of silent laughter (silent because of the fearsome glares we were getting from Linda). The girl’s voice called out again, “Uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s just me in here. I’m, uhm, just…pooping.”
                Mrs. Chandler wasn’t in the mood to play. “Young lady, we know that Jerry Jones is in there with you. You both need to come out now.”
                “No he’s not! It’s just me!”
                “Fine,” Mrs. Chandler called out, “We’ll just call the police. They’ll open the door for us.”
                “Just a minute,” Jerry Jones’ deep voice called out immediately. We heard a distinct ZIP; a moment later, the door opened, and Jerry Jones came barreling out. Attempting to slide past Mrs. Chandler, he said, “I’ll just be going now.”
                Mrs. Chandler’s arm shot out, blocking his path, holding him and the young girl in the corner of the restroom. “Oh, no, you don’t,” she spat out. “You listen to me! You listen to me, real good! This movie theatre is not your personal love shack! Obviously, your parents don’t want you two doing this or you’d do it at home, but you will NOT be pleasuring each other on my time!” As Mrs. Chandler launched into a full-on furious lecture, Dawn and I could barely hold ourselves upright from laughter. I leaned against the wall, arm around Dawn, as Dawn leaned against me, our heads together. Jerry Jones gave us the meanest, nastiest look he could muster. Mrs. Chandler shouted out, “Don’t you look at those girls! You look at me and listen up! I know you think you’re in love, but you two don’t know the first thing about love! You don’t have a damn clue what love is! You’re just children!”
                “Uh, I’ll just leave…” Jerry Jones tried, but was cut off again.
                “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Mrs. Chandler’s fury growing by the second, she declared, “No! You two will sit through the rest of this movie with me between you! You will each be escorted to your parent’s cars where you will tell them what happened, and then you will be banned from the theatre for six months! Now, back to your seats!”

                As Mrs. Chandler marched the sorry suckers out of the restroom, she gave us a stern glare that had absolutely no effect on us whatsoever. We were far beyond the point of being concerned about discretion as we full-out ran to our balcony seats to watch Mrs. Chandler chaperone the remainder of Jerry Jones’ ill-fated movie date, shamelessly giggling and ogling at their unfolding punishments for the rest of the evening.

(Dawn and me, 2010. The only photo I can find from our movie theatre days.)

*Jerry Jones' name was changed for his privacy.

Monday, February 20, 2017

How Do These Kids Keep Getting Inside of my Mom??

(Myself, Christopher, and Susannah, Winter of 2012. Beauts.)

         I was six when my mom and dad asked me to come into the kitchen for a quick talk. I couldn't figure out what I was about to get in trouble for this time. Racking my brains to remember what I thought I had gotten away with but was surely about to be busted for, I dragged my feet slowly to the kitchen table. My parents were both sitting with their traditional stone faces of secrecy, refusing to give me any kind of hint to what terrible punishment was in store for me. If only I could read their minds. (I probably don't ever want to read their minds actually.) I stood before them on guard, ready to flee at any moment (as if I could escape being grounded). I was not expecting what came next.
         If there was any kind of preamble to this, I don't remember it. (I don’t think I was really listening.) All I recall is my mother saying, "Sarah, we're having another baby."
        I stood still for a second waiting for a, “GOTCHA!” Alas, it never came, so I laughed and said, "Good one, Mom! Okay, see ya." I quickly began a retreat, but was called back by my father.
         "Sarah Catherine, we're serious. Mom is pregnant. You're going to have another sister or a brother," he said in a serious voice (unusual for him at the time).
         I was three when my sister, Susannah, was born. I don't remember being told Mom was pregnant (probably because I was two), but I sure remember the day Susannah was born. Mom decided we would go down to North Carolina to stay with my Aunt Melissa, Uncle Chris, and cousins, Alex and Dylan, for New Years. My grandmother also came down with us, but Dad had to stay home for work. Mom wasn't due to have Susannah for two more weeks, so she was probably hoping to squeeze one more little trip in before she potentially had two of me, her dramatic, needy, attention-hungry first born. How she and Dad decided having more kids after me was a good idea, I will never understand.
         On New Year’s Eve, Mom and I were sharing a bed. I was feeling pretty clingy as we prepared for the new baby. Something I saw on TV had totally freaked me out before bed and I had a vivid nightmare that my mother and beloved unborn baby sister were abducted by aliens. I woke early in the morning to find that I was alone in the bed; MOM WAS ACTUALLY GONE. Panic ensued. I searched the house for her in the dark, quietly weeping. Eventually, my Uncle Chris found me. When I wailed out to him that my mom had been abducted by aliens, he gave me one of those pity laughs adults give kids when they're distressed over ridiculous things and told me no, Mom had just gone into labor, and was at the hospital.
         I was overcome with joy! At last my baby sister, future best friend, and playmate of my dreams was coming out of Mommy's tummy! I had been waiting for this day for what felt like my entire life (and honestly it was a good chunk of it at that young age). I was loaded into the car with my family and whisked to the hospital to meet my angelic sister.
         Rewind to my Mom's experience during this time. Mom went into labor right around the time we went to bed. While I drifted off to sleep, Mom was trying to convince herself there was no way these were contractions she was feeling. After I fell soundly asleep, she got up and paced around the house for a while until, five hours after labor started, she could ignore it no longer. She woke my grandmother up and said, "Mama, I'm in labor!"
         Mom boarded an ambulance in the wee hours of the morning in Duck, North Carolina. It was a dark and foggy morning and somehow the ambulance got lost in the fog. My mother ended up at a hospital in Chesapeake, Virginia an hour and a half away from her starting point. She swears that by the time they got there, she was holding the baby in trying not to give birth in the ambulance. Mom got off the ambulance at 8:32 and four minutes later, Susannah was born.
         ENTER SARAH! The party got started when I walked in of course. How little I knew of siblings then, so fresh faced and young, so excited. I was thrilled to see my mother safe and not in the clammy hands of aliens, and even better, holding my precious new partner in crime. I was desperate to hold her and also to get attention from mom. (I needed to establish my dominance with that kid ASAP.) Hesitantly, Mom allowed me to get on the bed and placed Susannah tenderly in my arms. Some of you may not believe what happened next, but I swear it is true. Peaceful, newborn Susannah opened her eyes to me and I beamed down at her. She took me in for a moment, then, just for a second, flashed me the snarkiest smirk I have ever seen, opened her trap, and started screaming bloody murder.
        That pretty much sums up the first several years of our lives together. If I had something she wanted, she would scream at me until I gave it to her. If I was getting too much attention for her liking, she would scream it all away from me. She did not turn out to be the obedient, Sarah-worshiping angel I had anticipated, and it would be many years before we became close. (We actually are best friends now.)
        Given my prior experience with babies being born, I was naturally skeptical of another coming into my life. I fought back tears of horror as my parents insisted it was true that Mom was pregnant and stared at me completely dumbfounded at my insistence they must be joking. After a few days, the idea of it was starting to settle down into my mind garden. I began praying for a baby brother thinking maybe a boy would be the obedient servant I had hoped for. I also started to wonder how the heck these kids kept getting into my mom's stomach and encroaching on my turf. I started asking a lot of questions, very specific questions, questions my mother could not just ignore.
         Unable to escape my curiosity, my mom went to my elementary school guidance counselor to borrow some illustrated books to aid her presentation on how babies were made. One Saturday afternoon, she called me back into the kitchen. She bravely read through a book that explained sex on a child's level complete with pictures of blank faced women on their backs as blank faced men lay on top of them under pea green blankets, detailed diagrams of uteri, sperm and eggs, fetuses growing through different stages of a pregnancy, and a very unrealistic illustration of a woman giving birth (no one is that calm looking at such an event). At the end of the book I stood in utter disgust, wearing my parent’s traditional stone face until my mother could take the suspense no longer.
          I looked her dead in the eye and harrumphed, saying, "I must have been asleep when y'all were doing THAT."
         I left my baffled mother to make a phone call to my friend Naia so that I could tell them the scandalous details of how our moms and dads were putting their "peepee places together”. I distinctly recall taking a vow: "I am never doing THAT!" Dream on, little Sarah.
         In spite of the disgusting way he was conceived, I was ecstatic when my Mom went into labor. I remember seeing her and Dad off at the front door that December all full of pep and excitement (much more than my Mom which I didn't understand at the time. I figured it out after I had given birth to my own kid, let me tell you. Talk about a double edged sword.) My poor grandmother and Auntie were left with the unpleasant job of watching my sister and me. I can't really remember what Susannah was up to, but knowing what a good kid she was, she was probably just quietly playing with her dollies. I was absolutely bouncing off the walls.
         By 9 o'clock that night, Christopher had been born. My exhausted sounding mother's voice came over the phone to me to deliver the words I was dying to hear: "Sarah, you have a baby brother." I hurled the phone into my grandmother's stomach (Sorry, Nan), let out a victory cry, and ran through the house screaming in triumph for several minutes. It must have been hell trying to put me to bed that night.
         The next morning, Susannah and I were taken to see Christopher and Mom at the hospital before school. Christopher was seriously the most beautiful newborn baby I have ever seen. His chubby white face was home to the biggest, rosiest cheeks, the shiniest pink lips, and the roundest, bluest eyes and was topped off with a thick tuft of pure white hair. He was basically the Snow White of boys with inverted hair color. I was allowed to pass out blue "It's a Boy!" lollipops to my classmates and FYI they were super delicious. It was pretty much an awesome day.

         There you have the stories of my siblings (at least my side of it). They both grew into two really kick ass individuals. I have watched my sister grow from a little girl throwing her arms into the air and screaming, "SUPER ZANNAH!" as she tackled my gigantic father to the ground, to a graceful young woman flawlessly dancing as the Sugar Plum Fairy in her final Nutcracker before graduating high school, to a plucky dame of a woman who won't let anyone hold her back as she pursues a life that's good. I have watched as my brother has gone from a beautiful little boy saying "frucks" instead of "trucks", to a lady slaying middle schooler with girls falling all over him, to a surprisingly mature young man working hard at his first job and desperately trying to score his own car. (He ended up inheriting my old Subaru recently. I am thrilled that it went to him.) We have fought, we have cried, we have screamed, we have invaded each other's privacy, and we have taught each other forgiveness. That's the beauty of having a sibling; to have one is to have a lifelong friend that you can always count on even after you tell their really embarrassing penis stories.

(Myself, Christopher, and Susannah. Summer of 2000.)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Wisdom Teeth

                When I was 17, my dentist took an x-ray of my mouth to see how my wisdom teeth were coming along. I don’t like the dentist much, and I especially didn’t like this dentist. (For two years I had told him I had a cavity in one of my molars and it wasn’t until I was 16 that he finally acknowledged it. By the time he decided to admit I was right and fill the thing, he had to essentially hollow my entire tooth out;  I have had problems with it ever since.) With several black marks against him already, he gained a small glean of approval when he brought in my x-rays and said, “Well, Sarah, it looks like you only have three wisdom teeth. I don’t think they’re going to give you any trouble.” When I returned to his office for a second x-ray, it was on my 18th birthday. I was confident the universe wouldn’t begrudge me good luck the morning of my birthday. (I mean, heck, I was already getting to miss the first few hours of school!) I was dead wrong. When Dr. Doom hung up my new x-rays next to my old ones, he announced that not only did I have four wisdom teeth (not three), but they were all impacted and had to be surgically removed. (Thanks for being a dirty liar!)
                Several months later on the first day of my last ever spring break in high school, I sat in the back seat of my mom’s Honda Pilot at 6 in the morning on my way to have my mouth sliced open like an Easter ham. I was incredibly nervous. I had never had any kind of surgery before and my extreme anxiety had graciously painted vivid images of the evil dentists doing terrible things to me while I was doped up on anesthesia. I was also feeling pretty outraged that my mom and my dentist were teaming up to ruin my spring break. It wasn’t like I really had any friends to make plans with, but the option would have been nice! Besides, why ruin my free time when you could plan the surgery during school so I wouldn’t have to be there a few extra days? I kept thinking of that part in The Princess Diaries when Joe tells Mia, “Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; the brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.” I knew I was being a little dramatic, but hey, that’s me, and the quote (and the image of that silver fox, Hector Elizondo) was helping. I did have to do this. It was unavoidable as my mother repeatedly reminded me whenever she caught me trying to talk my way out of it.
                When I was called back to prepare for my (non-)life-threatening surgery, my mom and my aunt (who had come with us, possibly for emotional support but more likely to help force me into submission) were allowed to come with me. The nurse who came to take my weight, height, temperature, blah, blah, blah, and give me my IV was so sweet. She tried her very hardest to calm my nerves (alas, to no avail). Unfortunately for her (and everyone involved, frankly), I have a terrible, irrational phobia of having my blood drawn and getting IV’s. Every time she started to try to put my IV in, I started shaking so badly it almost looked like convulsions, tears free-flowed down my face, and I couldn’t stop my tiny (but shrill) squeaks of terror. (You might be wondering at this point if when I said 18, I meant 8. I assure you, I was 18 years old and acting this foolish.) Her poor, tender heart couldn’t take it. “You know what? I’m just going to let the anesthesiologist know he’ll be needed, and we’ll put the IV in after you go under, sweetheart,” she said, seeming close to tears herself. It gave me a surprising amount of comfort to know there was at least one person in my corner as I was wheeled off into the unknown.
                Having to get a good look at the surgical room was a mistake, though. The room was super white, like, transition –into-heaven-because-your-evil-dentists-killed-you white. There was a weird dome thing on the ceiling above where they placed me and my wheeling bed that turned out to be a huge cluster of lights, and although I was grateful they cared so much about things being well lit while they carved into my jaw bones, it was still terrifying to look at. There were four people surrounding me, the dentist who was handling the surgery, two assistants, and the anesthesiologist who turned out to be an astoundingly handsome man with extremely dark skin, smoky black eyes, and a thick New Zealand accent. I have a serious weak spot for accents and hot guys, and I found myself suddenly very self-conscious because weirdly enough I had not put any effort into my appearance that morning when I got up to leave for oral surgery and the nurse had taken my bra away. In my flustered moment of regret, he put a mask on my face, telling me to take three deep breaths then count backwards from ten. I reached seven then suddenly realized I DID NOT WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE! I JUST WANTED TO HIDE FROM MY PROBLEMS AND ALSO HIDE MY UNSUPPORTED CHEST FROM THIS HANDSOME MAN! I struggled to lift my arms and weakly tried to claw his enormous hands away from my face as I tried to scream, “I CHANGED MY MIND! STOP!” I don’t even think more than a slur of vowels actually made it out, and the two assistants held my arms down with no trouble at all before I blacked out.
                Suddenly, I was awake. My vision was fuzzy at best, the room around me spinning and changing shape. I remembered quickly the feeling of not wanting something to happen, launching my fuzzy brain into high panic mode immediately. I remembered my mom in the waiting room. “MAAAARRMMM!” I scream/slurred out trying to lurch myself into a sitting position. “MAAAAARRMMMM!” I screamed out again as I flailed my legs to the best of my ability, trying to remove the light blanket that was over me. A nurse came rushing towards me, and my panic hit an all-time high. Somewhere in the depths of my mind, a voice screamed out, “ALERT! ALERT! NURSE AT FIVE O’CLOCK! MOVE YOUR ASS! GET OUT OF HERE! MOM WILL SAVE YOU!” My real voice screamed out, “MAAAAAAAAAARRRRMMMMM,” as my arms flew up to try to fight the monster-nurse away. (Poor nurse.)
                She easily tucked my arms back into the blankets and repositioned it around my legs (I had barely made them move at all). “Calm down,” she said grumpily. “I can’t believe you’re awake already. Your mom is waiting for you, but you’re not ready to leave yet. You need to let the anesthesia wear off a little more. Just lie still. Try to take a nap.”
                I noticed her name-tag said, “Katherine,” on it. That made me really unreasonably excited. I warbled out, “Mai merddle naem is Catherine but wirth a C! Were like seesters!”
                “That’s great,” she harrumphed. “Settle down,” and she left the room.
                A few moments later, I sort of forgot about Nurse Katherine when I realized I was not alone in the room. In fact, there were two other people in beds to my right who were totally out cold and I freaked out again. My little alarm bell went off shrieking, “ALERT! ALERT! THE EVIL DENTISTS WANT TO HARVEST YOUR ORGANS! GET OUT NOW! I REPEAT: GET OUT NOW!” My real voice cried out, “NOOOOOOOOO! MAAAARRRRMMM!!!!!” I had regained a very small amount of control over my limbs, but enough to throw back maybe fifty percent of the blanket. I struggled to free my legs from the demon blanket/net screaming, “MAAAARM! HALP MEI!!!! MAAAAARRRM!!!!”
                Nurse Katherine came running in again, quickly wrapping me up in the blanket like a doped-up human burrito. (Possibly the evil dentist’s plan all along? Human burritos?) “Calm down,” she signed. “Why are you awake? Just relax! Take a nap; you’re going to have to stay here until the anesthesia wears off and it could take a while.”
                Again, I noticed her name tag. “Wahw,” I slurred. “Mei merddle naem is Catherine but with a C! We huve tha same naem,” and I gave her a big grin with my eyes only half open, longing for her to feel as excited as I was about this.
                “Yes, you said that before. It’s very cool,” she said (though her tone indicated she could not have cared less). “Please don’t try to get out of your bed anymore,” she shot over her shoulder as she left the room.
                I was very suspicious of her unfriendly manner. I had spent so much time before the surgery thinking of all the terrible things the evil dentists could possibly do to me, that it seemed to have manifested itself in my mind. The only thing I could focus on in my drug-induced stupor was escaping their evil laboratory and taking shelter with my mom (who I thought would unquestioningly drive me to safety). I waited a few moments to make sure Nurse Katherine (if that was even her real name!) had gone before I started trying to get out of bed again. I was still struggling to hold up my head, had very little strength or control of my limbs, and my vision was blurry and wobbly, but that wasn’t going to stop me, dammit. I would not be sold into slavery by evil dentists! I tried very hard to roll out of the bed, but (luckily) all I managed to do was get tangled in the blanket, setting me off into renewed cried of, “MAAAAAARRRMMM!!! HALP MEEEEE, MAAAAARRRMM!!!!”
                In Nurse Katherine came at a lazy speed, looking as though she would rather be anywhere else. She reluctantly (and not at all gently) untangled me from my blankets, muttering things I was too drugged up to make out. Again, I noticed her name tag. “Das cool! Yer naem is Katherine and so is my merddle naem! We should be bess frahns!”
                Nurse Katherine looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath before saying, “Yes. I know. You’ve told me,” before trudging out of the room again, not even bothering to try telling me to stay put.
                It seemed as though all of my troubles had been solved by my stubborn attempts to escape, because Nurse Katherine came in a few minutes later to find me with my legs hanging like wet noodles off of the side of the bed, desperately clawing at the blanket that was wrapped around my left arm and torso. After she took a second to compose herself, she began untangling me saying, “I’m going to take you to your mom.”
                “MAAAAARM,” I cried out in excitement, giving her my most winning grin. This went unappreciated by Nurse Katherine who unceremoniously flung my semi-lifeless legs back into the bed and wheeled me out of there as fast as she could, pushing me down the hall so quickly that my brain couldn’t even begin to process the blurry scenes we were passing. The new room was much nicer than the dim little dungeon I had just escaped. There were lots of windows and it was very bright, but perhaps the brightest thing in the room to me at the moment was the sight of my mom and aunt waiting for me. I tried to sit up and failed, so instead I sort of twisted my neck and shoulders in her direction exclaiming proudly, “Maaarm! I derd it! I ecscaped the evul derntersts!” I heard Nurse Katherine heave a great sigh and stomp out of the room (without even saying goodbye!).
                I was asked to stay in bed, but allowed to have my mom and aunt in the room. In spite of this generous gift, my doped up anxiety said it wasn’t enough; I needed to get out of there pronto! At any moment, the evil dentist’s rouse could be revealed and now my mom and aunt were at risk of being held for ransom too! I continued to tear at my blankets, my mom and aunt doing their best to calm me down. As my limbs began functioning more, it became quite a task to keep me in the bed, and the nurse monitoring the situation decided it would be best to allow us to leave. Again, I was in a room meant to hold more than one person (though we were the only people there at the time, possibly because of the chaos I was creating). The nurse pulled the curtains around my bed area to give me privacy to dress. Ever stubborn, I refused to let anyone help me. I have always been weirdly shy about my body; even now I often wait until my husband’s back is turned before I throw my clothes on as fast as I can. Alone behind the curtain, I struggled with my bra, shirt, and pants. I really was not in any condition to be doing anything without assistance, but was that going to stop me? HELL NO! I was a runaway train, never coming back, dammit!
                After several agonizing minutes (way more than it should have taken) and several concerned calls from my mom and aunt checking to make sure I hadn’t passed out, I emerged victorious and wobbly, tripping on my own foot and crashing to the floor. I was helped into a wheelchair while my mom went to pull the car around. Even though my aunt was there, I was crazy paranoid that by the time my mom returned, the evil dentists would have locked my aunt and me in a janitor’s closet, claiming we had left with someone else. When my mom returned and I was loaded into her backseat, I was so relieved that I flopped down across the seat and would not move at all to help her buckle me in.

                The following week was equally as blurry, but even more disappointing than I had imagined. In my youth, I was notorious for having a messy room. You’re probably thinking something like, “Haha, I’ve been there,” or, “I know exactly what you mean!” Let me assure you, you don’t. I existed in a grey area somewhere between being a hoarder and living in a trash pit as a teen. My mom loves to tell stories of finding petrified ramen and cereals buried in my closet when she would hunt for dirty dishes in my room. (I particularly recall one Christmas when my cousins wanted to go dirt-biking with my Dad and my bedroom was at an all-time low. They had gone to my room to borrow some clothes so I went to check that they had found something they could use. Through the crack of the door, I saw them standing in the tiny clear spot on the floor, surrounded by piles of crap up to their waists just staring in shock and horror at their surroundings before looking at each other in silent agreement that this was the worst thing they had ever seen.) I was really hoping to have some visitors while I was stuck in bed for my spring break; in an effort to make my dreams come true, I cleaned my room VERY thoroughly, dragging an old arm chair next to my bed, setting up my TV with a wide selection of DVDS, and placing a very large bowl of candy on my nightstand. Sadly, it was all in vain. Turns out no one wants to sit in a dark room with a semi-conscious person whose mouth is too swollen to speak even if you do have candy, but at least I did get to miss an extra three days of school. Take that, education!

P.S. They gave me the most incredible ice pack I have ever seen. It wrapped around my entire head so I didn't have to hold it.

(Example of ice pack I found on Google. Thanks, Google. I don't own this image though.)